The Salmon P. Chase Center for Civics, Culture, and Society at Ohio State invites applications for the following positions.
Assistant Professor
The Salmon P. Chase Center for Civics, Culture, and Society seeks to fill several tenure-track faculty positions at the rank of Assistant Professor, to start in the 2025–2026 academic year. Successful candidates will be, or demonstrate the potential to be, extraordinary scholars with research and teaching in disciplines relevant to civic thought and leadership, including (but not limited to) economics, English, history, law, philosophy, political science, religious studies, and sociology. Chase faculty will publish research, teach, and make contributions to their academic discipline in a manner that serves the Center’s mission, and will be actively engaged in the Center’s and Ohio State’s intellectual life.
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Teaching
The Center seeks to fill Professor of Teaching positions at all ranks, to start in the 2025–2026 academic year. Professors of Teaching are on five-year renewable contracts. Successful candidates will be quality scholars and excellent teachers with research and teaching in disciplines relevant to civic thought and leadership, including (but not limited to) economics, English, history, law, philosophy, political science, religious studies, and sociology. Professors of Teaching will teach, publish research, and make contributions to their academic discipline in a manner that serves the Center’s mission, and will be actively engaged in the Center’s and Ohio State’s intellectual life.
Associate Professor / Professor
The Salmon P. Chase Center for Civics, Culture, and Society seeks to fill several tenured faculty positions at the ranks of Associate and Full Professor, to start in the 2025–2026 academic year. candidates will be extraordinary scholars with research and teaching in disciplines relevant to civic thought and leadership, including (but not limited to) economics, English, history, law, philosophy, political science, religious studies, and sociology. Successful candidates will have a record of publishing research, teaching, and making contributions to their academic discipline in a manner that serves the Center’s mission and that is sufficient to obtain tenure in a top disciplinary department. Successful candidates will also have academic records that indicate they will be actively engaged in the Center’s and Ohio State’s intellectual life.
Lecturer / Sr. Lecturer
The Center seeks to fill multiple Lecturer and Sr. Lecturer positions, to start in the 2025–2026 academic year. Lecturers are on renewable contracts of 1-3 years. Successful candidates will be quality scholars and excellent teachers in disciplines relevant to civic thought and leadership, including (but not limited to) economics, English, history, law, philosophy, political science, religious studies, and sociology. Lecturers will teach, publish research, and make contributions to their academic discipline in a manner that serves the Center’s mission, and will be actively engaged in the Center’s and Ohio State’s intellectual life.
Post Doctoral Scholar
The Salmon P. Chase Center for Civics, Culture, and Society seeks to fill two post doctoral positions to start in the 2025–2026 academic year. Successful candidates will demonstrate the potential to be extraordinary scholars with research and teaching in disciplines relevant to civic thought and leadership, including (but not limited to) economics, English, history, law, philosophy, political science, religious studies, and sociology. Post doctoral scholars will publish research, teach, and make contributions to their academic discipline in a manner that serves the Center’s mission, and will be actively engaged in the Center’s and Ohio State’s intellectual life.